Friday, March 30, 2012

Feeling Disgruntled

Went to Clan Raids and Circus today.  Got the usual items from both - meh.

I feel like only the top players and people who spend a ton of real money for Gold/Cash Shop can get anywhere in this game because they have the biggest and baddest weapons to go to the biggest and baddest raids.  A part time player like me shouldn't bother trying since I can't get those items and I can't make it to big raids because of REAL LIFE.

Back in the CAA again

I should just be a permanent ronin since I don't seem to contribute to any clan I'm in and become a perpetual CAA AFKer... crawl under a Sword2 rock or something.  :\


  1. D: *hug* Yeah, it is a kind of icky slope to climb.

    You're always welcome to join my clan for the bonus levels... xD

  2. ahh I wont deny that I buy gold and stuff, but there are ppl who really does free to play like h3ll...
    But yeah...real life is more important :]
    - Snow
