Friday, April 27, 2012


It's difficult to hide from a certain tuna pizza person...  Returned temporarily.

Circus ~ Took my time today because there was no rush to attend any clan raids, so I don't actually know how long it took me to finish.  I had a Chest key from one of my ASV runs with senpai, so I used it in Emily's room (my room?!), not sure if there was a chest in Frost's room.  I got three 100 Chips from it.  Mario didn't poop his bomb today, so I guess I killed him fast enough.  I still can't get Abyss to set off on him, so I'm stuck using Ele Bluster.

Castilla Mines ~ First three bosses, something I wouldn't have bothered to venture to, but when senpai says, "Jump", I jump.  Like a little lemming.  ^.^;;  Was so close to finishing off Basilisk.  I kited him out of his cave before attacking.  Next time I'll bring an anchor.  LOL

Mufasar ~ I really don't like that Dominator!  >O  Ferret Enemy #1!

Cortez ~ Was ordered to be on cannon.  -.-  When the taichou gives instructions, you follow it, even if you dislike and are a failure at the task.  We finished Cortez, but I didn't enjoy the raid because I spent nearly the whole time at the Gate and didn't get to watch any of the action until the last two minutes when Cortez was killed.  Now I feel rather disillusioned by this raid that I've only been to for the third time ever.

Vesping ~ Why does it take so long to vesp a pre-vet to vet?  I got so tired trying to get Lorch from 60 to Vet that I gave up at 90 and spammed him.  Now he's working on Dual Blaster.


  1. its always harder to vesp characters in your main account.
    And welcome back even if its temporary
    - Snow
