Friday, August 10, 2012


Attended Friday Mufasar with Senpai (the only time I make it to this raid).  Dominator didn't show up so no smash-o-rama.  d(' . ' d)

Got kidnapped during Circus to go to ToC.  Having already already maxed out Helena, it was suggested that I try Idge.  I think for the most part she didn't die, but was useless during Queen third form because of no Invul.  My mouse went a little rogue and I was multitasking with eating my dinner.

Was trying to finish my CMs, but was kidnapped yet again, for Crow.  >.>

Sorry folks, but I really need to start studying for this next major exam which is going to be at least five times more difficult than the previous one, so I'm going to have to start saying, "No, sorry, I can't go."  Otherwise I won't get any studying done.  :\  Going to have to be like this until I start scoring well on the preliminary exams.  Which could be indefinitely.  >.<  (Coach is going to slap me upside the head for saying that.)

Which got me to thinking about my abilities in this game.  I'm completely ashamed that I still only have Level 11 ET, unlike everyone else I know who works with Level 12.  It took me a long time just to craft one.  I'm still lacking in Accessory type stuff.  -.-  I think I've tried enough to catch up, but I'm eating people's dust again.  :<  (I feel small compared to my clannies.)

To sum up: I still feel very inadequate.  :\

The only thing I think I'm good at is Prison, but I have to concentrate which means I can't chat or read any sort of chat while I'm raiding it.  I feel completely ashamed if any of my characters die during the raid, so I really have to focus on keeping them alive.  (That infernal patch of lag doesn't help either!!!)

Gear wise, I like my three bracelets.  I like my three pistols.  I'm kind of tired using of Eles, they're great, but my heart has always belonged to Musks, even though my poor darlings are sitting in Quarters collecting dust.  :<  I kind of want to play with Reckless again, but the only place I've ever used her was Clan Raids Red Sunset.  :\

Again, no nice screencaps.  Today was all raid after raid after raid, no time for poses.  :x  And exhausted as usual.

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