Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I Made it to Post #200!!!

Wow, this is Post #200!  I never thought when I started writing this blog back on January 27 of this year that I would be [so stubborn about] writing in it everyday!  I definitely had a lot of ups and downs and even nearly quit the game in April.  I haven't said this yet, but thank you friends and passerbys for checking out my blog, hopefully it's been entertaining for the most part.  As of right now there are 14,766 views and the Top Ten Countries are United States, Russia, Singapore, Philippines, Canada, Malaysia, Japan, United Kingdom, Brazil, and Netherlands!  :O  That's quite a wide spread!

Today I did the usual dailies (Circus and CM, sometimes BH Occulta) as well as Crow and Joaquin Barrier.  CM didn't give me any chips at all!  >O

Prison consisted of Senpai, Loyo-san, Pikachu (omg, Pika actually went to Prison?*), and Delakan-kun.  I admit was I really tired today and couldn't really focus, so I laid back a bit and let Loyo-san zap the crap out of the Elite and mobs on the left side. (Out of habit I always take left side in Prison and usually ask Senpai to back me up because I swear there is a patch of lag RIGHT THERE and causes me to have only 50% of killing the Elite without dying; kill them before they kill me, I'm capable of doing the job, but sometimes not able to due to lag.)  *Ginger and James have been MIA from Prison.  And Taichou too!  :<

I was gifted a Crafted Ice RES Necklace recipe!  :D  Thank you!  Now to get a Cut Ice RES Necklace to complete Cut Necklace collection!  :D  (I'm a nerdy collector, I like collecting complete sets.  ^.^;)

Later I got lasso'd in going to Medusa [when I should have gone to bed >_>;].  Simon (Raven) [for burst DPS], Claudia, and Ana didn't die.  I made sure I had Level 12 WC on.  :o

The thing that made me most happy** was getting one of the two Le Scarces to +7.  I always hold my breath and pray to the Upgrading Powers That Be.  It wasn't on the first try (started upgrading yesterday), but it made it there, so that was awesome.  :D  **getting it to +7 wasn't the only reason I was happy (the related party knows why)!  \(^.^)/

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