Sunday, August 19, 2012

Someone to help me find the strength

Orpesia was a Ghost Town today.  o.o

There were two clannies online and my friends list dwindled from four to one.  o.o

Been logged on since 5:30AM (2:30AM SST), mostly slept through the morning.  Didn't know there was log in issue until I tried to log in other account and it was giving me error, so I checked the forum and learned it was best not to go to Quarters.

Thankfully I had a team out that I wanted to level.  Pierre made it to Level 21 Hanging Guard and Tania and Darian are 30% into Vet 6.  Unfortunately, this team could not take on HB nor Diablo at El Pat (I can forget about V!).  But I did have some fun learning to tank with Pierre.  XD  They managed to take out two Gereros.  XD

Also tried UT, but without proper weapons, it wasn't going to work.  Asked Kpeta-san to come and we shared loot.  :)

 Learned to tank!
HB hurt a lot!  D:

Go, go Pierre!

Tried out Tronada Cruz

Other than that, Ferret studied like mad (read for two hours and drilled 439 questions) and caught up on six chapters of three different manga series.


  1. Yay, fighters! You'll get the hang of them yet! And dang, that's a lot of studying. o.o Good job.

    1. Eh heheh, this is my second fighter and I still haven't gotten hang of them. Melee are not my forte except for Asoka. ^^;

      Yeah, it took a lot of focus. >.<
