Saturday, September 1, 2012

So close and still so far

Knocked out the dailies before lunch time. Then studied.  :o

Went to Prison immediately after AW.  Even kidnapped a Ginger!

Tried out Claudia-Felicia-Ana.  The buffing and ring changing still needs practice.  I'm not accustomed to having to change rings so much like that yet.  Well, everything takes practice.  I just don't like taking so long buffing up and being behind everyone else.  It took me awhile to build up a rhythm to speed up with everyone when I first started with Geia-Claudia-Ana.  I don't like that feeling of eating other people's dust and being left behind and being slow.  (Pikachu is a different story, I will always eat his dust, so I won't even try to be fast enough to catch up to him.)

I had one ogre to deal with and the team did pretty good with killing it.  I was worried that I wouldn't be able to.

Looking back at all this, I'm not doing too bad.  We're talking about someone who never played video games (poor hand-eye coordination) and who would pause The SIMS just so she could plan out each character's next steps (not good with spontaneity).  And who used to get yelled at by her brother when she first started playing Sword for being slow (got frustrated with me because I just didn't "get it").

September month marks two years and three months in this game (on the 19th)!

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