Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year's!

Sorry my dear readers!  I have gone missing for the last four days in Sword2!  Between trying to get better from being sick (two consecutive days of shoveling lots of piles of snow and even though dressed appropriately, took a toll on my health), studying for the upcoming exam (oh my god, please let me pass it!), doing a lot of "last raid of [fill in the blank] before the end" with Halcyon Clan and Senpai, and farming Christmas Coins, resulted in a lot of late nights and unstable sleeping patterns.

I even hunted a boss (no, not Argus, too pro and too competitive for a n00b like me, I did have a few run ins with GK because I was in CAA after my Explorer Pack expired, and UT when he was around) to the point where I would sometimes camp it for half hour (50% success) - something I would never do under normal circumstances because I can't stand AFK'ing in town idle or camping bosses; if I'm going to AFK, my characters had better be leveling to build up my Family Level (I wasn't called Queen of Leveling [old title] for no reason).

I will be writing and back dating those Lost Days.  With pictures!  If it gets too image heavy I'll place them under a cut.  I'll make a new post when I get them posted, should anyone feel inclined to come back to read them.  I don't know how back dated posts get listed.  I think on Blog Lists it will show up as old date (such as "four days ago") but Followers might have it show up on their feed when it gets posted live?

Until then, hope everyone is well.  Happy New Year's!  I'll see former Swordlings (Orpesians, Illierians, Bristians [don't know any]) in Granado Espanda Online!

/sidenote I wonder if I should change my Blog ID as it is no longer Sword2?

/P.S. Hector Bunny needs more click-love!  <3


  1. I cheated and refreshed Hector a couple times.. but the more love the better, right? :')

    You have so much work cut out for you, it seems - feel better, and please take care! ^^

    1. Aww thanks! Yes, the more the better! :D Shooting for 200!

      Yes, the next week (less than that now) going to be anxious about the exam. >_<;
