Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Muskies are ready for action!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 My darling Muskies have completed Unlimited Shot!  \m/(>_<)  Rawr!

If only... they had modded pistols to go with them.  T.T  T3 still hasn't fixed that issue.

Stella made it to Level 18 ET.  Teamed her up with Tania's (Brunie) Wanted Shot and Mercurcio's (M-Wiz) Telekinesis.  :D

I managed to get five of the six memory fragments for Grandice, but had no luck finding the Diseased Capybara Leader.  I found Captain Capybara twice though.

Got two Sewing Boxes today, with yesterday's box, I traded in three pairs of costumes.  I didn't know that the Rank of the costumes mattered.  I put in two that were Rank 0 and out came a boring Rosa Matrimono, also Rank 0.  The other four were Rank 1 costumes which gave me a Von Trapp for Cathy STR (which I already have) and an Ivory School Uniform for Fighter (which I don't have).  I'm enjoying this costume exchange thing.  I hope I can get lots more Sewing Boxes and get the old costumes I don't have.  Not sure what new ones it might roll that we didn't have in Sword2.  :)


  1. I maxed the Unlimited Shot the 1st night, but my musk has nothing, absolutely nothing to use, no armor neither weapons xD its gonna be changed sooooonnnn I guess :P
    And the cosutme exchange machine is cool, Shivar got a awesome Polearm costume, looks badass.

    Hope you get better luck today with capy leader, if you want send me a pm I can go help you find it.

    - Snow

  2. Yeah, I remember you mentioned you went to Castilla A and overnighted. I've been going to Caeb and been MIA for three days with no overnighting. T.T

    Your poor muskie! D: I was lucky my two musk armors were in Quarters but I only had three pistols in Quarters, one of which was a golem but the other two are just atk/spd ones. The racial ones were in Inventory.

    Yeah, hope T3 fixes this problem soon!!!

    :O Shiraz (I call Shivvy that sometimes XD ) got a weapon costume?! To get that you have to trade in weapon costumes right? I don't wanna part with my Black Dragon costumes ^^;

    I'll keep you posted. Eventually I'll need help with Cruise hunts. T.T
