Sunday, January 20, 2013

So much to do!

This was my first full weekend in the game and also character questing is nearing the end for the most part.  Now trying to settle down and see what will be weekday dailies and weekend "weekendies".

Dailies will just be the Viron Box, Circus, and CM as before, plus Bahia Room.

Weekendies will be the Dailies, and probably Joaquin Siege, Joaquin Defence, Deadman, BH Ice Wizard, BH Secret Tower, and BH Occulta, maybe BH Sedecram.  And whatever else I get invited to?  Also clan Time Paradoxes if I'm around, especially TP Rose, since I selected Evil Weapon from that particular raid.  :x

Did all those today, including Ice Gate, which was kind of painful cause the last room smashed Alicia (Grandice) and Stella (ETS) to pieces, though Claudia (Helena) seemed to survive and inflict some damage on a Griffon (what??).  ^.^;  I got the IG pistol!  My first IG weapon and how lovely it is that it's a pistol.  ;D

Attended TP Rose, Abremon, Sautarelle, Cortes, Wraith (first time), and Nepht.  Tried out different teams for them.  During Rose, Abre, Saut I tried Alicia, Katia (being fair, Etienne went last time, so it's Katia's turn), and Stella.  For Cortes and Wraith I went duo Musk - I even tagged loot (what?!).  For Nepht I used Alicia and Valencia (Calypso).  Alicia is so pro.  ^.^;  I thought she did pretty well at Nepth - the last room is really chaotic...

I'm also loving that I don't have to use pink loli to speed cap my teams.  *_*  My Accessories will need to be realigned.  Right now I feel like I don't have a "main team" again...  Who gets to wear what?  D:

Characters leveling stances: Alicia, Aristia (Mary), Celestia (Beatrice), Merc, Darian, and Casie.

I created Delia (Ludin) and Francois (Ion) [yes, I finally got him today between running around raids], but too tired and didn't get around to getting their stance books.  When the others finish leveling their stances, I'll create Veronif and level these three.  I think.  They might be poor DPS and not survive.  :x

Next weekend I need to do some housekeeping on Rings and Costumes.  >_<;  Leo getting overcrowded again.


  1. Ferriee I got punisher ~

  2. He did nottt~

  3. Grats on Ion! @__@ I'm on the rare books part. I don't know when I'll ever finish it.

    About the pink lolis - right?! I realized that too and I was really happy inside. The new family attribute system is fun, I can't believe resets are free. I thought it was like other MMOs, where the points you put in are permanent. We're sure lucky..

    1. Thanks! I'd been collecting them from Clan Raids.

      Hope you get yours soon!!
