Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Artwork? O_O

As a welcoming back to Ritens, whom I have recently found out has returned to blogspot (even if he won't be posting GE), I'm going to post my so-not-art drawing I happened to draw around the same time he started posting again.

Don't throw rotten tomatoes at me.  I've never taken an art lesson in my life and I usually only doodle animals...  D:

What I'm attempting to draw...

Reality... under the cut...

.hides head in shame.


  1. Hey, not bad, considering how complicated the designs are. OvO/
    I remember how I used to want that winged tonfa so badly.

    1. I actually had the most fun with trying to draw the design. Drawing people - not so much. Orz

  2. Not sure if either of you will come back to comment on this post, but was going to ask - I probably should get around to updating the layout of this blog shouldn't I? Just unmotivated... D: Also, seems my avatar isn't showing properly, they took away my little Adriana icon! I tried loading a different one, but to no avail..

  3. I think the layout is still okay, but a change is never a bad thing I guess? You should probably update the sidebar links though. Some are dead and/or private.
    Also your avatar thing worked out it seems.

    1. I'd probably only get around to updating the banner... D: No creative juices flowing currently.

      Yes, the avatar updated after I made the change, but the old one still showing as exclamation triangle! ; . ;
