Saturday, April 28, 2012

Zip-A- Dee-Doo-Dah

*Castilla Mines ~ Took Laurent (Lionel), Claudia, and Ana.  (I have a preference of taking characters that can team buff.  Musks can't buff a team, so I left them in the Quarters.)  Made it to Blink Dog but got killed by Fanatics on my way to Chrysalis.

*Circus ~ Don't think I need to talk about this one anymore!  Claudia pwns 'nuf sed.  :o

*Vesping ~ Got Salazar (Jose) to Level 90, then spammed him to Expert.  Even though he's a late bloomer, I foresee him catching up or beating Dietric (Lorch) on finishing his Expert Stance.  Salazar is currently using a Frozen Swordfish Cannon and is hilarious to watch!  He's the last Expert I'll make.

*Family Level ~ Reached Level 48 and 20% today.  *_*

*Alliance War ~ The opposite of what I thought was going to happen, happened.  I was shooting for Rank #14 and Level 6 Buff, thinking that I would more likely get the latter.  As it turned out, I Ranked #13, but didn't get my Level 6 Buff.  I think next week I'll stay the same in ranking, but get my next level buff!

*Faction Fight ~ I entered with my Prison team (Geia, Claudia, and Ana) and was one of the first families in there...  I thought I would try to kill the East Gate Ancient Gerero, thinking someone would just finish him off before me and dash in the warp to Ancient Diablo.  Nobody followed and nobody entered...  So I got free 100 Chips all to myself.  And a Hero Seal!  :o  Maybe I'll try it again tomorrow, but a different gate.

*Prison ~ Went with senpai, Ash-san, and Alze-chan.  Ironically, when I feel like practicing ogre killing...  I don't end up having to kill any...  Ash-san was in the first cell I entered and he was already half way through, then I ended up in the red warp to doom as the second cell.  :o

Forgot to post from yesterday:


The only screencap I took at Cortez

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