Thursday, April 19, 2012

If Once You Fail, Try, Try Again

Event Experience Buff is ending tonight!  In some ways, I'm relieved.  I'm sad to see it go, but for some reason, it feels like ever since this event started I've been going full force rampaging raids and vesping.  I've gotten exposure to a lot of different challenging raids (thank you senpai!) and I can feel my improvements.

Mostly I'm just sad about the Easter Egg Basket.  Viki gave us some good rings (for example, Rouse, Grace Stance, Lorch Stance, Caly Stance).  Today's most noteworthy are the Sect of Moonlight Stance Ring and Wild Shot (Punisher) Skill Ring.  The game is telling me to go farm Letizia Shiny Boxes...  But I'm scared.  What's a good team to set up camp there?

Today was a slow day and it was a nice change of pace.

Went to ASV with senpai and I had a lot of fun.  I've been to it five times prior to this.  The first three times I was the protection family (not the Hellena family nor the attacker family) with LaRo-kun (as Hellena) and his clannies.  The next two times were duo'd and I was the attacker family.  I was too slow at attacking and it was kinda painful.  :\  I hadn't gone since January.  Today I went as the Hellena family!  I took Simon (Raven), Claudia, and Ana.  I didn't have to worry about Claudia dying though.  She got poked a few times by the Honors, but it they barely scratched her.  (I had to chuckle at my lack of finesse compared to LaRo-kun; his Vince/Hellena/Viki team was solid.)  Plus, senpai was fast on attacking, so we moved on to the next room quickly.  In the big boss room, there was an instance where senpai and I Cul-de-sac'd at the same time.  I swear it was so synchronized I thought I was seeing double!  XD  It was a good experience!  :D

Thank you's today go out to glic-san, Snow-kun, and Eri-senpai.

Two pictures I forgot to post.

From yesterday, the Mufasar session with senpai

From last week, after I completed my ToC Questline, my shiny medals!  \(^.^)/

~Ferret sushi-rolls herself in her blanket, zzzzz...

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