Friday, April 20, 2012

A Quick Run Down

~Tagged along after senpai to meet the Nechro Shaman for the first time
~Quick ASV session with senpai (omg, ATP so fun to watch!)
~Lightening Gate with clan
~No Clan Raids tonight :<
~Vesp'd Gloria (Angie) to Level 60
~Created Marcelo (Panfilo) and vesp'd to Level 60
~Created Omar (Najib)
~Vesp'd Demeter (F-Ele), Aphrodite (Emi), and Artemis (Caly) to Veteran (tomorrow commences the Pioneering quests up to Bahamar in order to gain access to Circus - not looking forward to the long winded Skeleton Dungeon quests...)

~Ferrie, out.

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