Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sassy Saturday

[Not really "sassy", I just wanted to find an adjective that started with an "s" to go with Saturday.]

Thank you to my Secretary for helping me compile my activities today.  :o
[I'm so fail today.  ^.^;]

♔ Solo'd Circus, improved time by one minute, the delay was partially due to having to trigger Hellena myself and having to deal with mobs in the hallway after killing Frost (I guess I didn't kill him fast enough).  Didn't die at Mario though.  For some reason it wasn't letting me Abyss, so I had to Ele Bluster him.
♕ Clan Raids yielded two DHrs and a Le Scarce.  I even tagged a few drops at Griffon, including a Protection Field skill ring!
♖ Alliance War ended with my ranking bumping up three levels to #16!  *_*  And I made the cutoff for Level 5 Buff!  *_*
♗ Prison where I worked on using PF (making use of that ring I got from Clan Raids!).  But, le sigh, if I concentrate on one thing, I stop focusing on another.  I didn't do a good job of keeping Geia in the corner and I missed PF'ing Claudia so she died and Ana died trying to res her.  Overall, I killed the ogre faster.
♘ Lightening Gate which we didn't have to wait for spawn, so that was good (I get weary when we camp Q.Q).  [Rei-kun gave me a shield!  *_*  Thank you!]
Ended the night by leveling Dietric (Lorch) and Salazar (Jose) in Torsche Mansion to help "Frankie" [FrankenFerret™] with Auch Pioneering Quests.  Goal is to try to finish the Pioneering Quests tomorrow.  Might get deterred if there is a ToC outing, but we'll see!

Artemis, Aphrodite, and Demeter on Egg Quest

Failed Mission!  Pet Keeper died!

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