Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wrapping Up the Week

♩ Prison - Lagged so bad for me to the point where I couldn't move my team.  I told the squad to continue on without me, but I was told to keep trying.

♪ Mufasar with senpai - I totally didn't have my head together today, my team died several times.

♫ Undertaker - Senpai told me to go take on UT by myself as a sign of graduation.  Not easy to do when I happened to be on Illier on the other laptop doing Clan Raids (Mad Griffon to be exact)...  Do I get special Tuna Pizza points for being able to multitask?  I should have brought Muskie PPT or Viron PPT instead of Laurent (Lionel) and Claudia for DPS.

♬ Clan Raids on Illier - No interesting roulettes to report.

♭Circus - Shaved off three more minutes from last time, bringing it down to 11 minutes.

♮ Red Sunset Clan Raid - Only seven of us attended this raid, I thought we made pretty good progress considering.  I think I ended up being the only RE...

♯ Frankie - Finished Bahamar questline, now he can go to Circus and El Dorado!

~Ferrie scampers off to rest

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