Monday, April 9, 2012

A Little Me Time

I didn't attend any raids other than Circus and I didn't talk to barely anyone until I was ready for bed.

Today's to do list:

*After one year, nine months, and three weeks (to the day!) of playing this game, I finally crafted my first Enhanced Tactics Ring (I'm such a slow poke loser).  Bought the rest of the materials...  Buying 60m worth of Ele Jewels seems to be a recent theme.  *cough*cough*  I will need... another Strategy, Logistic, Rouse Ring, 11 Black Oxides, and 500 Rhodolites/30 Warrior Symbols for another one.  Yeah, yeah, and those darn Ele Jewels too.  (Previous crafted rings were Sect of Moonlight last August, Croisement last November, and Madness last December.)

*Crafted the Artisan Shoes, my second Artisan item!  The Artisan Belt was short lived, as it was immediately broken to make the Magic Leather Belt (this was crafted while ago, when I had my first billion vis).

*Vesped Ben to max Master 10.  Which means he had an [well deserved] early retirement.  I'll miss him.  He's been everywhere.  (He pretty much tried to woo every female UPC in the towns!  XD  I kid, I kid!)

*Ben's retirement meant Claudia (Helena) came to join the ranks.  I took her to Circus with LaRo-kun.  Once she was properly buffed, she was a lingerie wearing killing machine at Expert 4, no less!  :o

*Anastasia (Emilia) was so close to being Master, that I went back for another hour of vesping just to get her there.  Thank you, Alze-chan for keeping me company while I vesped.  Vesping can be such lonely work with nobody to talk to.  *tear*

*Valencia (Calypso) is 82% from maxing out... Sooooo... that might the the project for tomorrow!

Eri-senpai, look what you did, you created a vesping monster!  I was killing them in 15 seconds, the vesps weren't spawning fast enough for me.  Beware the Frankenferret!  RAWR!!!  (Seriously though, you should not have let me hold on to your LOE any longer, because vesping has become addicting.  >.<; )

Other things to note:

*Snow-kun gave me a very coveted La Ventisca Costume!  Omg, omg, omg!  No, it's not for Ben, it's the most unattractive costume on a Male Ele.  It's for Freesia, when I create her.  *_*

*Easter Eggs for Viki gave me Superior Blaster and Duel Blaster Stance Rings.  The game is hinting that I create Dietric (Lorch).  I will on Wednesday, quizás.  I want to create Salazar (Jose) too.

/edit Change of plans.  I should create Renton (Viki) first because Ana will graduate eventually and I'll need an ET user who can res.  I can't use Lucrecia (Valleria) because she doesn't have Inno and I don't want to level her any further than where she's currently at.  Then I'll create Dietric and Salazar.  Even Gloria (Angie) too.  So much to do.  So little time.  -.-;

My sixth "natural" Master.*
Thank you for the blast of gratz, Albatrosians + Lorn-dono (first clan leader)!
I told H3llBurner-dono that I have been "vesping like h3ll".  XD

*F-Fig, M-Ele, F-Sco, F-Musk, Calypso, now Emilia.

~Frankenferret, rawr!

1 comment:

  1. I feel sick and stupid what I've done last night lol wasted around 500 chip on my stupid dragonic xbow and got nothing xD

    ps: vesping w/o anybody to chat usually makes me feel sleepy faster xD
