Sunday, May 20, 2012

And All That Counts is Here and Now

I... trained to triple Whole Cancellation at ToC today.  >.>'
Sorry clannies for all the deaths.  >.>'
Feel free to send me in-game hate mail.  >.>'

How I felt after we were done: m u e r t a (d e a d)

On a separate note, senpai and I got ditched by Prison squad.  I didn't even know I was in a squad, as I was at dinner at the time!  There was no one else to kidnap...  So we took it upon ourselves to duo this monstrous raid.  >.>'

I used up two SCs on this adventure.  I killed off the right Elite and headed to the warp for the middle, but Claudia got slaughtered on the way and Ana died going back to res her.  Dragged too many mobs while heading to Elite Bio, but managed to survive.  Only had one ogre to deal with...  >.<;  Sorry senpai you got unlucky!  Took care of some mobs at Testo entrance, but lost Ana and had to SC.  Testo's first wave of minions got me a bit and I wish I could buff faster... but...
WE FINISHED!!!  Ecstatic!!!
\(^.^)/  ღஐCONFETTIஐღ  \(^.^)/

This actually was not the first time we duo'd Prison.  Coincidentally, it was exactly a month ago.  It was risky last time, because I couldn't even handle an ogre room.  Looks like I have improved since!  I don't do 1) though, because I don't try to keep Geia in a corner, I all out attack.  All I do is 2) PF.  XD  And I definitely 3) hit-and-run Testo during smash bursts.

>.>'  Look at the time!  I have a difficult time with the instruction depicted below.


  1. I always wanted that baek's white costume Q.Q xD

    1. Le Lion Noble!

      There's also a Gloriosa, but I don't have that one and it's not on MM at all! T^T
