Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Impossible Became Possible

Claudia (Helena) made her debut to the following raids as Master!

First raid of the evening was... duo'ing Prison with Eri-senpai.
O.o;;;  O.R.L.Y?  Y.A.R.L.Y!  o.O;;;

Though, once again, I only did 10% of the work.  >.<;;;  I couldn't even kill the middle Elite today without dying.  :\  And the Elite Bio hid from us.  I used two SCs in the ogre cell because Ana and Claudia got smashed and Geia came close to dying.  :\  I did, however, feel that this team killed the ogre faster today than any combination before.

Things I need to work on: 1) Doing a better job of keeping Geia in the corner to keep Claudia out of ogre's swing range.  2) Actually attempting to keep them Protection Field'ed.  >.>;  Ogre cell stresses me out.  I tend to focus on heal potting and skilling with Claudia than trying to use Ana to PF.  I feel like I need to keep Ana on res'ing rather than on PF.  :\  3) Doing a better job of hit-and-run on Testo before he does his smash.

Conclusion: Duo'ing can be done, but Ferrie needs a lot more ogre practice.  :x

I'm mostly estatic that we could do this!  :o  I thought it was going to be Mission Impossible.

Next was a failed attempt at Arsene Secret Vault.  Lessoned learned: Only one family can bring a Helena...  One Circus session was wasted.  :x

Used an alternative account to Circus, Scout to senpai's Caly.  It's so weird being on Sco ET...  So used to MASSACRING instead of SUPPORTING.  ^.^;;;

There was still 5100 seconds (85 minutes) remaining until Mufasar spawn, so I went and took a shower.

While there was 3600 seconds (60 minutes) on the timer, I went on a "third" Circus session with LaRo-kun using a Fig on Tronada Cruz.  (No, I do not normally go on even two sessions of Circus a day; today was very unusual.)  It's no fun doing Circus on the old laptop with low graphics.  I'm surprised I survived, to be honest.  ^.^;

I. fail. at. melee!!!  (Other than Asoka.)  Which is really sad, because my own Flavia (F-Fig) is the most versatile character I have (all Expert stances maxed), but she just collects dust at Master 3 in the Quarters.  She was my first Master character.

I really, really much prefer my ele-types for Circus; I'm so accustomed to using them, but I suspect it's due to having Golem and Human bracelets.

Finally, Mufasar showed up (it was about time!).  Buffed up and set up Claudia and Valen on the opposite sides of senpai's team.  I felt we were killing faster than the first time I went.  (I attribute this to Claudia being on the team and knowing what to expect/do this time.  First time is always "confusion mode".  ^.^;)  In fact, the team was doing fine, even Electric Bluster'ed the minions that came.  Things were going smoothly until stupid Dominator spawned and I got instantly smashed.  ._.  *cries*

Yay for Claudia!  She's stealing the show!

And finally, last bit of news...  On a whim, FrankenFerret™ family was created.  ^.^;;;

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