Sunday, June 24, 2012

Empty Shell

I would have thought that I'd get better at WC each ToC run, but I pretty much went all the way back to day one.  I was full of suckage today.  I'm too tired as I write this, but I was ready to rip myself up about it on this post.  I'd self destruct, but Ferret declawed a few days ago, so nothing to tear myself up with.  It didn't help that I was experiencing lag spikes and for whatever reason, the bosses were still skilling even with WC.  The run had many deaths and I'm pretty sure the squad would kill me if they could.

Clan raids were right after.  I barely had time to switch teams.  I went with my Muskies.  I just wanted to shoot things.  (I'd have shot myself too if I could, maybe use an alt to shoot my main?)  A Pisces rolled on roulette but didn't get it.

That's it for this Sunday.



Ferret sends get well thoughts to T & S.  Ferret doesn't like to hear they're both feeling unwell.  It makes Ferret worry.  Worrying is the only thing Ferret is good at.  :\  *gives a chibi-Ferret hug*  *scurries off to ferret nest*  :<

1 comment:

  1. No fault to you on your wcing its hard to do anything with lagspikes especialy timing critical functions like wcing, majority of the squad had lagspikes so we all understood what you where going through.
