Saturday, June 23, 2012


Being the big nerd I am, I set aside the materials needed for character quests for the next patch on one of my alts to prevent accidental usage between then and now.  I'm actually not doing too bad!  Just a handful of materials and saving up some symbols.  :D

I also took some time to rearrange my Quarters because I added several characters to the Ferragamo Family and I like to order them from highest to lowest.  A handful of them went up several levels since I last rearranged, e.g. M-Scout went up to Master 10 and the two Wizards are now at Expert 7 thanks to ToC...  I only need to create a M-Fighter and then I'll have sixty-six characters (both genders of stocks/Reb/Auch, all UPCs, all four Catherine robots, Asoka, and Ralph).  I'm shooting to get them all to Veteran.  Someone once gave me the nickname, "Queen of Vet Power Leveling".  ^.^;;  Goal is to level up a Viki to replace the M-Scout and a Soho for vesping (ahuehuehue!).

Three things of mention for today:

1) MB and I put a lot of effort into chipping my second Rosario to get it to 2DR (Thanks very much MB! *_*)

2) I got to the next level of Alliance War buff, very excited! \(^.^)/

3) I got a third skill ring of Innocentio from Prison.  Now I have Resurrection x2, Restore x2, Exclusion x1 (If someone is willing to trade my extras for Satisfy and Redemption rings, I could go and craft the stance ring [for a stance I don't even have! D:].)

ALSO!  Elsie-chan came to Prison raid!  *happy*happy*  I haven't raided with her in ages.  Q.Q

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