Thursday, June 28, 2012

My heart's a stereo, It beats for you

If I don't post tomorrow or log in the game tomorrow, it means I've died from heat exhaustion.  99°F or 37°C with 75% humidity.  Requested MB to come mop up the PF.  Not Protection Field, but Puddle of Ferret.  >.>;  This Ferret is a wintery ferret who prefers 70°F~75°F or 21°C~24°C.  On top of that, the air conditioner is broken.

My brain got a bit toasted from the heat to the point that I didn't focus very well on Prison raid and died a lot at Testo.  James ditched us for Tower, another squad member got disconnected, so the raid was trio'd.  :x

Afterwards I started to type incoherently like I was drunk (which I wasn't).  I was forgiven for that, I think?

Other things weighing on mind and feeling sickly lately, so haven't really been doing much in game other than the two usual dailies.  I've been more quiet than usual in clan that even Pikachu-san asked if I was okay.  :o

Let's hope Ferret recovers tomorrow...

(Irritated too, because I finally got the last Old Chess Piece, then realized I don't have the Mana Stones.  -.-##  So much phail lately.)


  1. Yikes, its getting pretty hot everywhere. D:
    We haven't really had rain this month. @_@

    Hope you're doing well!

    1. Yeah our grass is all fried like straw. ^^;

      I had a difficult time falling asleep last night. Had the window opened and fan running. Q.Q

  2. Wow holy crap those temperatures. I wouldn't mind switching though. (15-20 C here, days swithc alot between sun-rain, many times a day..)

    I hope you'll feel better soon. <3 I shall move onto reading all the entries I've missed since I started work. :)

    1. That would be 59-68F for me and I would love that right about now! D: I live in one of the northern states in the USA, so I'm used to colder weather.

      Thanks for the well wishing. And I am honored that you read my blog! :D <3 Hope work is going well for you too!
