Friday, June 29, 2012

What a Wonderful Evening!

Pre-Prison run was a real riot.  I hadn't laughed so hard in weeks.  In effort to conserve FF buff, Senpai stood his Gracielo at the Prison entrance while waiting for the rest of the squad gather.  I took out Rico as well and Ginger followed suit.  The Gracielo triplets waited for Pikachu and I stated that Pikachu was missing out on some Gracielo KO's.  The triples became quadruplets (long lost brothers?).  Then I jokingly suggested we should do Prison with Gracielos.  XDDDDD  /shot

 Thank you Senpai, Ginger, and Pikachu for the giggles!  :D
muchas gracias // muito obrigada

On serious matters, Ferret just barely managed to survive the heat last night, hence, she was able to play and write this post!  :o  The air conditioning was fixed also, so Ferret will recover.  *phew!*

I received assistance with the Mana Stones and purchased the remainder.  Went to Mboma to craft the White Bishop with The Blue Crane in tow.  Lo and behold!  It came out blank +5 1S!  I had just enough to get Upgrade Accelerators and +5 Lacquer.  With the luck given by Blue Crane, it got to +6 on the first attempt.  +6'ing things makes me nervous.  +7'ing things give me ulcers.  So that was exciting.  It also only took one Socket Flux to 2S (though no luck with 3S).  But the most awesome thing was the chipping performed by Blue Crane.  It doesn't have racials, but it got really nice mods.  *_*  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  One happy, happy, happy Ferret.  \(^.^)/

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