Sunday, July 29, 2012

Adventure Filled Day

Started the day off mellow.  Decided it could be a good upgrading day.  Requested presence of Blue Crane buffer.  And... then, a miracle happened.  My White Bishop got to +7 on the first attempt.  *_*  SO HAPPY.  To make things just as wonderful, I got it to 3S on the first flux.  *_*  YPPAH OS.

I will never, ever, chip, upgrade, socket it without BC presence!  :O

The evening consisted of a Crow Forest (ironic Jewel Powder) run just before Clock Tower, then Clock Tower to Floor 10 (I admit I got impatient, I self buffed and went after mobs instead of waiting for Rio buff :x ), and the series of clan raids (Book of Combat and two Le Scarce Warlock!).

Also, a little thank you to Elsie-chan.  ^.^  <3

Crow Forest with Taichou and Senpai

Clock Tower - I don't remember what floor, after six o'clock
Ferret's trail of Very Good Beef, leading her to Candlegeister!

Clan Raid - Rafflesia
Etienne & Katia
Drooling over the pistols~!

I love my Muskies~!
I take them any chance I can, which isn't many T.T

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