Monday, July 2, 2012

I’m lucky just to linger in your light

Laurent (Lionel) died a few times in CM before I realized.  The man.  Was nekkid.  (Translation: Armorless)  D:  What is me with leaving my male musk types clothesless?  D:  I got ticked with Etienne (M-Musk) the other day when he kept dying in Joaquin Barrier.  I yelled at him and then had to retract.  "WTH Etienne!  [looks at Character Sheet]  Oh, sorry babe, I took you in here armorless, didn't I?  Mea culpa.  :x"  Orz  (Admittedly, I have a crush on the Male Musk. XD)

Took a break from the evening's real life activities to take some screencaps of Freesia-hime, since I finally broke down and bought that new Wave Long Tail hair for her.  (Been saving my vis, but haven't been buying anything.)  I haven't spammed any Costume Boxes lately (no money for Gold, I blame Ralph) and missed out on Selva's Black Buffalo and Baek's Gloriosa.

After months of hard raiding (well, to me it's been hard raiding, I've never raided so much in the prior year and a half combined), I've forgotten what originally attracted me to the game.  The beautiful costumes.  \(^.^)/

Here are nine screencaps I took of Freesia-hime by the roses.  Little miss prude has grown up a bit.  I hope she becomes a mature young lady with smarts and not just another pretty face.  :o

Wishing for her prince to come

 Seems she still has some spoiledness in her!


Old habits are hard to break, being haughty!



 Being graceful

 More grace

 Ah, so pretty!  <3

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