Saturday, July 21, 2012

Magnum XL-200

Another laid back day for the most part.  Finished getting remaining pre-vets to Level 84 and now leveling them to 90.  Might vesp them all to Vet next weekend.

Saturday evenings tend to get kind of crazy.  AW is at 7:00PM for me, if I don't get dinner and eat around 6:00PM then I pretty much don't get to eat until 9:30PM, because it usually ends up AW/Prison/FF or AW/FF/Prison.  But I'm not always hungry at 6:00PM!  D:

I was kind of tabbed out that I didn't see this question.

I would have responded with, "sure, i'm game, but we need to get pikachu off his arse, can't be quadruplets with out him."

Time to crawl into ferret nest.  zzzzz

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