Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tonight Before You Fall Asleep

Normally attending Cortes causes me a lot of grief, but it went well today.  :o!  Senpai ran though Luci Lab with me and I suffered minimal casualties, though we did have a run in with a swarm of bats that caused delay in arriving in Basement.  Cortes raid was totally comedic to me today.  Nephthys swiped us dead over and over again.  Mobs spawned and escaped to the main floor, reminiscent of my first times at Cortes.  Ararats followed someone in and there was smashing abound.  Random Bog Anglers spawned at the steps.  I went kamikaze a few times attempting to res Taichou's WC team.  Anastasia passed out underneath Cortes as a result.  Ginger and I ressed each other a few times while killing rogue mobs.  James' Emi was bugged, as she continued to remain napping no matter how many times I tried to res her.  Normally all of this would have irked me because it meant prolonging the ordeal.  But tonight, I didn't give a sh1t.  I was laughing amidst the chaos.  :o!

O.o Orly?  o.O Yarly!

I attribute my sense of humor this evening to 1) eating dinner (usually I attend this raid on an empty stomach due to timing) and 2) the magical Blue Crane buff giving me a Pisces from Griffon.  Only one box dropped, so I only had 1/12 chance, such narrow odds.  *_*  Whee!  My first Pisces towards Unlimited Shot* (pew pew pew with my two Serpent Pistols)!

Happy, happy, happy Ferret.  \(^.^)/

Whilst I was laying on the cold floor...
Up close and personal with Nephthys

*Dilemma, who gets the stance first?  Katia or Etienne?  D:  Ack!  I love both my Muskies!  /Q.Q\

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