Saturday, July 14, 2012

Run, rabbit, run!

Attended ToC today with Salvatore (Ralph), Renton (Viki), and Sofia (Mia).  It was nice taking different characters rather than my standard trio.  Claudia, Ana, and even Alberto (M-Sco) are almost maxed out, and I have a stubborn tendency of not wanting to take maxed Masters (unless it's to Cortes).  I bought the third roulette at Dark Gemini even though the chest was only bronze.  I got a Le Scarce Musk out of it, so that was good.  :o  Queen instead, gave me triple Shiny Chests.  (wth? lol)

Attended AW and went to Prison twice.  The lovely Elsie-chan participated on the second run.  The lag is getting worse and worse, I somehow managed soloing the Elite Veilant even though I was practically dying.

For the rest of the evening I kept spamming CM until I reached 500 Mega Quartz.  Orz  Well at least now I'm halfway to 1000 MQ...  Orz

A random funny from a prior Prison run.  ^.^;

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