Sunday, July 15, 2012

Post #175: Shiny Pebbles in a Jar

Today was a busy day.  Spent about three hours vesping, but it was worth it.  I got the last four percent needed to get my Family Level to 51.  *_*

Alberto (M-Sco) maxed out, so we'll be seeing Renton (Viki) at raids.  Salvatore (Ralph) made it to Master 9, I'm keeping him there until next patch.  Patricia (Idge) is Master 3 and I even learned how to use Tronada Cruz.  Now I can say I know how to use one more melee stance, haha.  Nicolai (Soho) moved up to Expert 9 and Borus (Coimbra) moved to Expert 5.  The lovely Freesia (F-Ele) is Expert 2 (boohoo, I need two Pisces for her).  Pierre (M-Fig) joined the family at Master 1.  I have twelve more prevets to work on.

Now I have completed my collection of sixty-six characters: both genders of stocks/Reb/Auch, all four types of Catherine robot, all the UPCs, Asoka, and Ralph.

Flavia waiting for Pierre to join the family

I was given a wonderful piece of news today which relieved me about something that occurred a few months ago that was a big regret of mine.  Someone put an effort towards it and things have turned out the way it was intended (although in another fashion).  Thank you for helping put a closure on this pain.  I'm so happy I broke into tears.

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