Monday, August 13, 2012

Acorn Behind Chair

Stayed home from work today.  Hadn't had a day off since early June and really needed to take a break.  Studied too, did pretty well on the section, but only 1/5 of the material, so I mustn't let my guard down.

Sword-wise, crafted Magic Shoes today!  *_*  Second pair of decent shoes!  T.T

Started leveling Tania (Brunie) and Darian (Garcia) to Expert.  Army of Musks!  Unite!
Pierre finished all his pre-vet and vet stances (including Bareknuckles, ahuehuehue!), used an Aries and now he's working on Tronada Cruz.

Made it to Mufasar.  :o  Even LG.  :o
(How come the few times I've gone, the LG weapon has been the Gaiter? D:)

Also, practiced Triple WC at Angler (third time at this boss) with Senpai.  Got some good practice!  I still need more practice, but starting to build my own rhythm.  Looking to apply this to ToC sometime.  Thank you for your time and patience in training me Senpai!

Baby anglers are bad news!  D:

Ferret needs more days off.  Le sigh.  (>; . ;)>


  1. Hooray for studying and days off and practice. <3
