Sunday, August 26, 2012

Live Concert by Ferret!

Should have have been studying but...

♈  Castilla Mines x2 Team was being sleepy heads and took longer than usual to finish one run.  Sleepy like sleepy Ferret I guess!

♉ Participated in Lucifer Angler with Senpai, Pikachu, and Dias-san, although that was not my intention, I just wanted to ask them if they would be willing to help me train ToC WC, but Pikachu told me to hurry and get to Angler...

♊ Sped through Circus [like a red Ferrari] because there was ToC squad accumulating.  I hadn't used Occultism in a long time to run it.  Been using Forgotten Magic because of the LOEs.  Ferret is cheap and doesn't like to use ASOs if she can help it.

♋ Triple WC'd at ToC with Senpai as back up.  Was a bit stressed out about it prior to commencing because I hadn't gone on a run as WC in a long time and hadn't really practiced much at all since the last time.  It went all right.  I have difficulty with the initial WC.  That is going to take some practice.  I didn't really get the hang of it until the later bosses, but I also think later bosses are easier to set the initial WC.  If I had to set a way to gauge how much I improve at each run, I'd have to base it on the number of SCs I use.  This run took 11 SCs.  Which is substantially better than the 30+ I used to use in prior runs.  But I don't know... I still don't think I can solo WC yet.  I know I would have died a lot more if Senpai wasn't there to help with some of those initial WCs.  :x  This is my sixth time WC'ing at ToC and hadn't done it for two months.  Previous dates: 5/20 (Puppy backed up), 6/2 (Solo), 6/3 (Loyo-san backed up), 6/9 (Senpai backed up), 6/24 (Solo).

♌ Madness Farm clan raid!  Anastasia (Emilia) spent time with Laurent (Lionel) and Simon (Raven) on this run.  Wolf decided to smash Laurent.  D:  We Ranked 7.

♍ Mad Rafflesia clan raid!  I must say after spending time WC, SHOOTING things feels so damn refreshing.  PEW PEW PEW!  We Ranked 3.

♎ Mad Uranus clan raid!  Had fun killing the KOCs and smashing eggs.  heehee  >D  We Ranked 4.

♏ Mad Griffon clan raid!  Was going to switch up to use Valencia (Calypso) and Salvatore (Ralph), but Taichou asked if anyone wanted to be second WCer.  I said if Level 11 WC was all right and someone could lend me an extra ring, I could do it.  So Mercurcio, Casandria, and Ana came back out for another outing.  I think I did pretty well.  Merc died a few times though, because he was wearing the lowest armor.  WE RANKED 1 !!!  GO GO HALCYON!

♐ Sharffenberger The Cursed clan raid!  Switched to Valen and Salvatore as originally planned.  Told Taichou that I felt like I was performing in concert and was having wardrobe changes with my characters.  XD  They didn't die.  :o  We ranked 1 again!!!  Halcy back on the clan raids map!  ;D

♑ Curse of Red Sunset Forest clan raid!  Since we were doing so well and had a full squad going, I suggested maybe we could try Red Sun.  :o  I made my last wardrobe change for the evening.  Took Claudia (Helena), Felicia (Reckless), and Ana.  Team order is so important.  In all of my mixes it's [Open Slot] - Claudia - Ana.  Yesterday when I went to Prison, I put Felicia in that first slot and it wasn't very easy to work with.  I thought I would try Claudia - Felicia - Ana at Red Sun.  Since I had to work with this order through the duration of the raid, I got practice again with Madness and got a better handle on the potting.  So perhaps next time I go to Prison with this ordering, I'll do a better job.  We didn't finish the raid, the grim reaper things were too much.  D:  I used more SCs here than I did at ToC.  ^.^;  Definitely a good place to get those Rare Books!  Now I just need five more Combat and four more Shooting!

♒ Tania (Brunie) and Darian (Garcia) made it to Veteran 9!  I didn't get any symbols today at clan raids... and ended up using Scorpio on Pierre for Peltast.  *sigh*  I wish I had gotten a Scorp today.  :<

♓ Guh!  Forgot to mention also went to Crow raid, BH Occulta, and a super special raid before Clan Raids.

Ferret *takes a bow* and goes to bed.

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