Friday, August 3, 2012

London Exclusive Cookies!

Busy raid evening for a Friday...  I sped home from work and was late to Cortes.  Ferret should change professions and become a race car driver and get a Ferrari... the way she's been speeding to get home...  >.>;

Cortes was okay.  I was in the second squad consisting of cannons who were mostly at their posts.  When I got hit by Nephtys or Cortes I kinda had to rely on James to res me, though most of the time he was busy scarfing down chilli from his restaurant.  (ahuehuehue)

Went to Circus and tested out the White Bishop by seeing how many Honors I could Tenseness.  Usually I don't splash more than six at a time, but I was able to do up to ten.

Next, went to Musafar with Senpai.  I tagged today.  o.o!   Le shock!  A Crafted Necklace recipe and Magic Leather Boots recipe dropped.  Along with this!  Never got anything 1DR from a direct drop, so this was friggin' awesome!  *_*  Now Katia doesn't have to go to clan raids wearing the 96e 2DR coat!

Prison followed these two raids.  I was successful with getting Abyss to go without suffering lag or death.  But the lag followed me to the ogre warp and I died.  -.-  To make up for it though, my roulette rolled a Whisper of the Forest (staff)!!!  I was trying to decide which Serpent weapon to craft next, it was either going to be the polearm or the staff.  This saved me from having to decide!  \(^.^)/

The last raid I attended was Lightening Gate with the clan.  I haven't gone in ages.  My camera pan can cause me to get lag behind and therefore lost.  Sometimes I get stuck and end up accidentally clicking on the warp and going backwards.  Thank goodness Yoshi came in and led me through the maze.  (Even though he called me slow!  >O)  Alas, the LG weapon was one I already had, so I didn't try to FC for it.

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