Saturday, August 4, 2012

What Not to Do

When you're half awake!

Went to BH Occulta kinda like this (o.-) one eye open and half asleep.  Geia was the first to pass out, and then Claudia, and then Anastasia.  lol...  Yeah...

Spent time in AA Skeleton Dungeon.  I always like searching for Thoracotomy and killing him so I can see little Treasure Chests even though they don't give good stuff, it's still fun to me.

Got Raven on the other account with my crappy weapons and crappy armors!  Grandice was still really hard to deal with.  :x

Forgot to post these from when I was traveling through Luci Lab.

Ben is really a werewolf in sheep white clothing.

Howling out to his fellow weres!

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