Sunday, August 5, 2012

WC Frustration, Again

Feels like I've been raiding all day...

Did another half awake BH Occulta run, but managed to stay alive during the run.  Even did Circus half awake.  Then I went to lay down for twenty minutes.

There were two ToC runs today, which I did not triple WC at either of them.   I'm really starting to think I will never WC at ToC.  People always want fast runs and because I'm not good enough at it, I don't get to do it and practice.  I guess it means I broke my promise which really upsets me because I don't like to break promises.

Helena maxed out and now I don't know who to replace her with to take to ToC (again, since I am never going to be a WCer of choice, got to find another team to take).  Usually the support roles are taken, otherwise I could take Mia, Lorch, Grace, and/or Vince.  I even have a Master Idge, but I don't have a 3AR polearm.  I don't want to take Ralph because he's at Master 9 and I want to save some levels for him for next patch.

I was able to use Abyss at Prison but I couldn't tell if I did damage because that spot still gives me lag.  Got three MQs compared to the one I got yesterday.

We very quickly assembled a squad for a Viron Crow run.  The mobs in there were Level 126 and I got two Naraka pieces.

We did Clan Raids after this.  Taichou asked me to WC.  Which I was crappy at.  Someone pointed out that I have horrible aim (which further upset me) and asked me where my GC Wiz was.  I said I don't have the MQs to craft it and then they said I should just buy it from the market.  Even if I had MQs I would still have to get those crystals.  I just don't have the kind of resources the high end players have to do things quickly.  Everything takes me months to make and upgrade and chip to decency (even then it's still not decent).

I guess if people think it's that important to craft the GC, then I regret that I FCed for it.  Perhaps I should return it to the clan so someone else can craft it first.

CM gave me eight and four chips on the first boss first run.  Second run gave me nothing.

Ended the evening with Rafflesia which only gave me a Mega Talt from the Treasure Chest.


I just want be able to do triple WC at ToC.  :<  I'm useless.  This is really eating at me.  :<  Why can't I be good at something in this game?


  1. dont give up gurl. you earned your stuff, keep at it.

    - mysterious j

    1. MJ! Don't just log on to Shimmy Shimmy on Saturdays! Actually come play with us! D:

  2. ohhhhh Gratz on the GC Wiz ~

    1. I got it months ago. Just collecting up dust in Leo. When are you coming back Snowy? Q.Q
