Monday, August 6, 2012

Trust the Label!

Pretty busy for a Monday night.  Back to back: Prison, Circus, and Crow.

After that was crafting Black Dagger!  With my Blue Crane buff, it came out +4 2S!  Thank you Blue Crane!  :D  I only had two chips to throw on it, without EBs.  39% ATK only.  XD  Ah well, another time!

Now I want to save up Chess Pieces again to make a White Dagger to pair with it. I still have Rapier and Blunt to make (or buy Dragons?).  This weekend I will try to request for Blue Crane buff to craft the Serpent Polearm!  :D  Serpent wise, I still have the Bayonet and Main-gauche.  Actually, I never got around to making the Cresent or Tonfa either.  When I get these eight, I will have at least one of each type of 100e (includes Dragons).

Doubles: LoEs, pistols, crossbows, rods - These are the characters I use the most, most people know I fail at melee except Asoka.  :p  I have a handful of Greatswords, but no decent GS for her.  :<

Dragon crossbow was birthday present from last year and a Serpent pistol was purchased, but otherwise the rest were all self crafted, upgraded, socketed, chipped with my own chips and EBs (alas, chipping luck was not mine).  \o/

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