Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wicked Soundscapes in Disguise

Did BH Occulta and Sedecram today.  Hadn't gone to Sedecram in a long time.  Claudia made some calamari for us.  heehee

Went to Prison with a squad and tried out Claudia-Felicia-Ana in that order.  Learning how to ring swap and buff between stances.  I'm not good at swapping the rings, at most I just switch one.  But I did ET/DV/PF/WC today.  I have yet to enter an ogre room with this trio, so I don't about survivability of this team yet.

Went on two Castilla Ruins with Senpai and was able to get the two quest drops.  I'm excited that we were able to get them today.  ^.^   Now to tackle the next three in order to warp to Temple!  Allez, allez, allez!  \o\ \o/ /o/

I'll make a separate post later with Castilla related quest drops.

Watching Senpai's Lionel on Punisher makes me jealous.  Lionel actually looks better when he's in that stance.  Otherwise he doesn't do anything for me.  /shot by Lionel fangirls/boys

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