Sunday, September 2, 2012

Chaotic Specifications

Went to Prison with new team again, but had them in the wrong ordering, so that messed up the buffing a bit, but I did get faster at buffing.

Perhaps I should try: Org-Pric-Org - swap to DVB rings // Flare - remove brace // Amplify // DVB  // Pink Loli

Rebuff at warp point: Reset ET/Org rings then to DVB rings.  Put on PF ring before ogre room (forgot about that today).  Bleh!  Ring swapping is no fun.  Ferret only has so many fingers on her paws.  :o

I had one ogre cell and am happy to report that I made it out alive today as well.  ^.^;  Felicia got smashed by Testo because I forgot to PF.  >.<;

We had a low showing at Clan Raids today.  Instead of taking my lovely muskies I went with Salvatore (Ralph), Claudia, and Ana for more DPS.  I triple WC'd with Taichou at Griffon.  I didn't have any problems landing the initial WC, but I did a poor job of placing the trio (Griffons were a bit unstable, slashed more wildly than previous week) so Casandria and Mercurcio got smashed.  Clannies were quick to res them though, so that helped a lot.  Thank you!  :D  I even tagged a few items, including a Provoke ring (uh, no... let me get the hang of triple WC before I even attempt to be a tanker... maybe in like 10 years!!!)  Threw both my Provoke rings on Borus (Coimbra).

Chilling out with Taichou with our WC teams

Crafted my White Dagger today.  I don't care what anyone says about White Dagger versus Black Dagger, so don't even start!  It was my decision to craft it.  This dagger was blessed by Blue Crane chipping and now I have another UD weapon.  *_*  Also rechipped the Black Dagger and that one now has Life.  This totally made my day.  \(^.^)/  How interesting that the White one is UD and the Black one is Life!  :o  These two daggers look quite nice together, like the Black and White Bishops.  I need another Golem and another Human weapon... but what?

I might even take Lavinia (Torsche) out now and play with her.  Haven't used her in ages.  D:

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