Monday, September 3, 2012

Brown Eyed Ferret

Several individual and small squad raidings today.

No Domi appearance at Mufasar.  Yesh!  :D

Making progress in Prison with the new team mix, managed to buff faster than the day before.  It's kind of silly though, I verbally say to myself out loud: "Ana Org Pric Org, Claudi Flare remove brace, Feli Amp, Ana DVB rings buff, pink loli.  And away we go!"  XD  I had two full ogre rooms and entered half way on a third.  Ogre rooms need a little more practice.  DVB didn't seem to be functioning correctly.  Was bad about keeping PF, so team got smashed at Testo.

Killed a Griffon today, but he didn't appreciate being slaughtered so he only gave me one box and it was an Aqua.  What, you want me to have an army of Flintlock users?  *sigh*

Crafted a Chess Rapier which came out 2S!  *_*  Unfortunately, my Master Pack ran out and I am still 11 Snail Shells short of a Serpent Bayonet.  :<

Finished Mia Extended Quests and triggered the other ones.

Was cleaning Leo to make room for inventory when I came across my four Silver Strikers.  So shiny.  So pretty.  Brings back memories.  One pair was given to me as a present when they first came out.  The first present I ever got in the game.  I never thought someone would give me something in the game.  Not only did they give me one, which was quite enough, they gave me two, because they knew how much I loved these pistols.  I was so moved that I cried.  Just thinking about it right now brought tears.  There are certainly a lot of nice people to me in the game.  I try to give back when I can.

Katia and Etienne posing with the Silver Strikers

The other pair was purchased by saving all my Circus and TA starter money.
After posing, I let them explore around in Viron because I don't spend time there often.
These two silly muskies got excited over finding a cafe.

"Yay!  Look what we found!  :D"

There's an interesting post about my clan here and I was mentioned (not by name).  The comment is very nice and very embarrassing.  I still very much consider myself a n00b.  But thanks for the compliment.  ^///^

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