Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monochrome Atoms

Spent the day working on Angie extended quests which were a pain because the Octopus in Scorching Plateau were slow.  Even worse were the Monegarm in Ferruccio Wall, to the point that I ended up using my main DPS team to active kill the last dozen.  Now Xenia (Lisa) and Omar (Najib) are camping Capybara Plantation for the last leg of the quests.  At least those two are getting exp for doing these series of quests.  >.<;

When I'm done with Angie, I'll be farming 50 Dragon Leathers and 50 Black Steels for Alejandro quests.  Probably best to farm for the leathers while doing M'Boma quest too, as I'll need to be in the Zonas.  The Black Steels would put me in area for farming Dragonfly Silk.

Participated in a small Crow squad.  Kept getting debuffed and it was quite unpleasant.

Geia didn't die in Prison much today, but I was rather displeased to find after spending 20 minutes in there to only get four MQs.  *shakes fists!*  Well, 26 more days to go would put me at September 30th if I continue to meet daily quota.

Forgot to say that I took Torsche to BH yesterday.  It was a lot of fun watching her acrobatics!  :D

Ferret, collapses.

Not feeling too great about exam.  :<  Back to work tomorrow and will be quiet again.

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