Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ghastly Slumber in a Can

Went to Cortes and assisted with Invulnering the WC.  I happened to have my two Incantation rings on, now that the true wizards are fully equipped with WC rings.  I have too many Emi related rings on hand.  ET (still need to craft a second), Incant, WC, PF, and DVB.  Taking up Inventory space!  The lowest I've gotten it to is 192/248.

Wrapped up the Angie Extended quests, but had to hunt and kill the Elite Vampire Bat Lord five times before the quest item dropped.  The Golden Bat even killed Master Laurent...  Couldn't start M'Boma quest because Vegas Javier was closed on both channels.  Couldn't farm for Dragon Leathers either because Zone Uno was in the same situation.  Seriously, did we have Maintenance?

Attended Medusa.  Simon still got smashed even though he was wearing a borrowed pro armor.  WC'd twice with Ana.

This would have been nice for a jackpot, but not so nice for BH.

Didn't solo Prison tonight; clan activities took up the evening and I was too exhausted and brain dead and only did the easier self dailies.  Was sent to bed by Coach before I really collapsed.  Sorry I've been an awful ferret.  :<

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