Monday, September 10, 2012

The Sky's Emerald

Couldn't get to either two map zones where I've been power leveling Xenia and Omar.  Both channels were "Server Closed".  Really G1?  Come on!  -.-#  I decided to risk UGC Murky side.  So far they're doing all right.  By the way, spiders are to Ferret as snakes are Indiana Jones.  Spiders.  Why did it have to be spiders?  Especially ones that really need to use some Listerine for their neon colored bad breaths!  Eww spew!  >.<;

Ferret encountered some clan fear and frustration which could have lead to something disastrous, but was diffused by J. von Chilli, so I forgive him half a dozen meal I.O.U.s.  (I can't speak for the other party whom J also owes meals to.  Nor can I prevent squirrels from visiting their favorite spot.  Ahuehuehuehue!)

The highlight of the evening...  *drumrollsplease!*  Was being gifted a Black Pearl costume!  *_*  I've been on a one costume box limit and didn't get this one and was praying it will come out later as a reissue.

Receiving any sort of gifts is always a day brightener and an honor.  Receiving a costume gift?  There are no words for it.  Thank you so much.  \(^.^)/
 Portia and Eduardo's costumes look rather smashing
Color tone and design, very match

 And just cause!  :D

Ferret, curls happily.

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