Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fascinating Rhythm

Went on an early Prison run.  It started off with five people, but one had to leave, found another replacement, who also ended up leaving.  We went with four, but one got disconnected.  So ended up with three at the end.  (Yes, Ferret knows how to add and subtract!)  Still spending way too much time ring swapping and buffing with this new team.  I have GOT to learn to do this faster.  :\  I dislike being the slowest.

Attended an unscheduled Mufasar.  Dominator made an appearance.  Boo hiss!  Got stomped on a bit, but no deaths.  X<

Clan Raids started off short handed, so I went Salvatore (Ralph), Claudia, and Ana because of Life mod on Salvatore.  Swapped to UD mod for Mad U to kill KOCs.  Then swapped to Triple WC for Griffon.  There was slightly less death today because I got better at positioning.  But Mercurcio (Male Wizard) has 50% chance of being slashed and killed because he is wearing the lowest armor (96e +6 3DR).  The last Clan Raid was V for which I have no Hum weapons.  I figured it didn't matter who I brought as long as they hit fast and hit hard.  I went with my MUSKIES!  RAWR!  :3  lovelovelove~!  I miss them everyday.  D:

La Fin.

Tomorrow is another week.  :x

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