Thursday, September 17, 2015

Character Files: 112-113-114

Mercenary Claude - Snowflake Cherlyn - Selene

This trio is part of the "Promo" Characters grouping in my Quarters.

112: Mercenary Claude - Lohengrin

Due to Reckless' accidental failure in cloning and aging Claire into two twin teenagers, Grandies asked Claude for permission to have Reckless make a [younger] clone of him to watch over the twins.  He does follow his orders, but sometimes is too righteous that whenever someone asks him for help, he helps and often loses sight of the twins.

He already has a knight in shining armor outfit, he doesn't need any costumes.

Named after Lohengrin who is a knight of the Holy Grail.  His father is Percival, one of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table.

113: Snowflake Cherlyn - Glacia

Since cloning seemed to become such a fashion, Cherlyn decided to get on the band wagon and paid Reckless for an icy version of herself.

She does have a hat and a mustache, but I haven't decided if she really needs it.  It just makes her look like a Christmas tin soldier.

Like ice glaciers.

114: Selene - Appalachia

Poor ice maiden.  Is she the one that's frozen at the entrance of Ice Wizard?  Right now the closest thing we have to having a Novia in our family.  Maybe Novia will be a pet.  :p

I think she doesn't have a costume because anything else would turn into frozen paper if she attempted to wear it.  Her current dress is made of special ice resistant material.

Named after the Appalachian Mountains.

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