Monday, April 16, 2012

The Irony!


Before I start my usual rambles, I'd like to take a moment to say, 
I feel very blessed to have many kind, wonderful, terrific friends in Sword!
Thank you!


When I have little time to play, many things seem to occur.
When I actually have time to play, nothing seems to occur!  :o
I was home all day, on a Monday.

Teppie-kun invited me to Prison and Eri-senpai said he would come also.  He thought I jinxed it by saying that I hope neither of us crash today.  I got smart and restarted GE before departing for the Torture Chamber.  Yesterday was not repeated.  :3  I didn't end up dealing with any ogres...  My first room was the empty Treasure Chest.  Then it was the red warp to doom.  Nothing exciting from the roulette to report.

I talked to senpai about Fire Gate raid while I was updating my Weapons* listing (I should start listing Accessories, now that I actually have some).  He had Fire Orbs and so... Mercurcio (M-Wiz) Levitated in Topolo Durga (you can't red loli there) because it's a long trek to the Gate and I don't have a warp there.  I'm happy to say my team didn't die once and it appeared that I was doing damage.  \(^.^)/  The big difference probably had to do with the fact that I was using maxed out characters.  ^.^;;;  They used to die a lot when I went the few times with Ophi-taichou.  *Old school HTML hard coding!

AND drum rolls please... the Fire Gate weapon was...

THE RUBY DRAGON!!!  dundundun!!!  Which senpai got from Round Robin, but let me have.  Even though he was just short that one for his collection.  Senpai's so nice.  T^T

I had fun posing with senpai!  :D

Thank you, senpai, for what would have otherwise been an uneventful day!

Also... did some vesping with Ana (Emi) and Claudia (Helena) to get little Renton (Viki) up to Veteran.  Created Dietric (Lorch), Salazar (Jose), and Gloria (Angie).  Claudia is 50% away from being Master!

~Ferrie, scurries off to bed.

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