Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tuna Pizza

[I'm too brain dead as I make this post that I can't think of a title, but someone would know where this title came from.]

Perhaps I start off with what I didn't do today.  I failed to make it to Clan Raids on Illier.  Booooo me!

What I did do:
~Raised my Family Level to 47 with arrival of a new recruit
~Argus where I saw my previous clan leader and vice leader :o
~Circus with LaRo-kun.  I was greeted by Castleworks-kun and Castlefields-san in the Sewer.
~ToC which felt really different because there was no longer that pressure of, "OMG, am I going to get my quest drop today?!?! *stress*stress*"  I took Rosaria (Grace).  glic-san gave me another ring so I could use Level 12 Hound for everyone.  Thank you!!!  Eri-senpai lent me a very, very yummy constellation shotgun for the duration.  *_*  Rosa is nice to watch too.  I pretty much like anything that pew pew pew's!!!  XD  Our squad was short two, so I invited Novitis-san, who then invited ajoy-san.
~I got a Magic... umm... something recipe... it's now locked away in Leo and too lazy to check... from Queen roulette.  (Rei-kun wanted me dead, how mean!)
~Prison with the famous Pioneering Granado Espada blogger Ashardalon-san (one time clanmate, though we ran on different schedules, so I didn't get to interact with him often) and Eri-senpai

But... what's wrong with this picture?
Other than a n00b like me going with two super powered players...
Curse you GE.exe!!!  >O
~*Le sigh.*~

To find peace, I took my angel Geia for a screencap in Viron.
Featuring Rei-kun's GS.

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