Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rocky Day

Finished the ToC questline!  Twenty-third run!  Thank you everyone who contributed to it, from being in the raid, ressing, providing Relics of all kinds (for crashings, entrance, robot buffs), providing pink loli's and SC's when I ran short, and even providing Metal Bolts!

Today was off to a bad start when I attempted to warp to Temple six times just to get in.  It was an embarrassing run because my team kept dying...  They had gotten to the point where we only died at the Queen part.  I don't know, it was an off day I guess.  :x  I must have some luck with Feast buff though, I got it today on the third attempt.

 This occurs when someone is on the Queen part of the quest.

And we receive some assistance.

Wandered around in Viron trying to find a nice
place to do a screencap of the new costumes 
until senpai suggested posing with Adriana.

I'm happy that Lydia (F-Auch) got a new costume too!

I came out Rank #19 after Alliance War and met my secret-but-thought-impossible-goal of making it to the Top 20.  Competition is tough at the top, let's see if I jump to Rank #15 next week?  :o

Went to Prison with Flavia (F-Fig), Ben, and Ana.  I didn't get to participate in the Testo roulette because I was too slow with the ogre.  Clannies were in a hurry to run off to Clan Wars, so they killed Testo.  Which was frustrating because I was just about to finish up the ogre, if only they'd waited a little more.  I have to remind myself to decline invitations to squads with superpowered players (which is just about everybody) because they have no patience to wait for someone like me who's still a practicing Prisoner.  :\

Senpai took me to Under Taker and Rafflesia because I felt a strong need to SHOOT things due to the aforementioned frustration.  I took the Muskies PPT instead of the Viron PPT.  (PPT = pew pew team)

I will try to do final vesping tomorrow...  I haven't vesped for a few days now.

Today's Greeters
1st: Eri-senipai
2nd: Ophi-taichou
3rd: Rei-kun

(The usual suspects in different order!)

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