Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Energizer® Ferret

I was about ready to turn into bed when I realized I hadn't done my Castilla Mines yet.  So I take another family to kind of be anchor and help them get their Basilisk drop.  Survived Basilisk (and they got their drop), so I thought I would see if I could get through the next boss.  And I did... then I kept going... and going... and going...

I had a hard time getting close enough to Chrysalis...  Argus was kind of a pain.  Everything else went smooth enough.  Deka wasn't bad... though I was still too close to his area so I had to deal with two of his minions.  Raven tanked...  O.o;  (Using a ranged to tank?  Well, I'm no good at melee, so I don't think I could have done it efficiently with anyone else.)

My shoddy little team with their shoddy little gears and four SCs (when Ana died) completed what I thought was impossible...  Soloed Castilla Mines, with 36 minutes left on the clock.  I wasn't even going on this run to do a full run.  I just ended up pushing myself to keep going, to see how far I could get.

And now I simply MUST get to bed.  (5:00AM now and been up since 6:30AM.)  This game is turning me into an insomniac.  :\

~Ferrie, passed out.