Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Madness Ferret

O.o;  Uh.  o.O;


Because I had nothing better to do besides going to bed early and thought I would try this out so I can get more MQs per diem...

I thought I would try to solo Prison, at least the first area.  It ended up being me attempting a full run like back in May when I solo'd Castilla Mines in its entirety.

I used the other account to anchor.  After killing mobs on the left side, I tucked them in a safe corner.  I was using my shoddy little armors and my own shoddy GS on Geia, which isn't even +7 (perhaps I should try to do so, but I'm taking a break from +7'ing anything for awhile ^.^;) and not even racial mods.

I finished the area just before my Flare and ET buffs ended.  I thought I'd try to see what happened next in the next area.  When I warped in, I decided to go take the middle track, as 3/5 people in a squad always wanted to go down the middle and I had never gone down middle and wanted to see what the fuss was about.  Well, the hallway was shorter for one, and I only had to deal with Bios which were a breeze.

I didn't have any problems taking care of the middle Elite Veilant.  I headed towards the right side, but same with the left side, there was patch of lag and chaos broke, had to use a SC.  After that was taken care of, I decided to Red Loli because I just wanted to get there fast.  I had no problems with the left side.

I should have rebuffed before I warped, which is my usual tactics.  But I didn't.  So the team got smashed en route to Elite Bio in the circle area.  Had to SC again.  Couldn't buff without getting knocked over, so had to kill them the long and hard way, without Flare and ET.  Rebuffed after I cleared the mobs.

I should have patiently taken care of the mobs before going after Elite Bio, but I was getting tired and was hurrying.  Elite Bio took a few SCs because I couldn't rebuff.  :x

Finally, it was time for Ogre rooms.  I thought I'd end up having to kill all of them, but the first room was the Treasure Chest.  Which yielded White Gold Bars.  Yay!  Free money!  I'm not sure of all the possibilities, I've only seen Level 100 Chips and Bellem Boxes as the other types.  Room two was an Ogre.  And then... it was the Red Warp of Doom.  dun-dun-dun!

The Kingdom Ogre and its minions were no fun.  I used up a few more SCs because I was stubborn about finishing it, even though I knew there was no way in hell I could finish Testo.

After going through that ordeal, I had my team charge to their deaths.  FOR NARNIA!!!  (As we used to say in Core Clan.)  One smash each from Testo and they were goners.  ^.^;

Ferret, passed out.


  1. you forgot that that little treasure chest can drop the most awesome ASO boxes!

    (i've also seen mystic pots)

  2. how is your GC working?
