Saturday, December 8, 2012

Live on and protect others

As a follow up to the Stock Characters Stories post, I was asked to elaborate on what I meant by Pierre's "mysterious past (something to do with a family ranch and an ailing twin brother)".

I haven't written anything in six years and I'm not a good writer to begin with.  Plus, I'm deathly afraid to share my writing.  But... I was asked about this story.  So here it is.  All 1,451 words.

I wrote it in one sitting and read it through three times to edit.  I know there's holes in the story and some things probably don't make sense, but... please try to read this like a piece of entertainment and not tear it apart over missing details.  I'll get too shy to write.  :x  Thanks!

 The hair is not fitting for Pierre, but I'm posting this as a complete costume set image.
Peter's family owned a ranch which their grandfather had built and toiled with his own hands.

Growing up, Peter and his twin brother, Roger, would sit around the fireplace while their father told them the story of the sword that hung above.  Peter's eyes always glowed when Father described Grandfather's adventures.

Their grandfather was a guard in the king's army.  He rose to a great rank and was betrothed to a high ranking officer's daughter.  This was considered a great honor for one who came from a humble farming family.

Grandfather had an elder brother, who was also in the army.  Jealous of his brother's progress, the brother did everything to discredit his younger brother, causing him to be exiled from the country.

Father crafted two wooden swords for Peter and Roger to play with.  Peter always had Roger play the villain.  Mother would be upset and tell Peter to give Roger a chance to play the hero.  Roger said he didn't mind, as his greatest wish was for Peter to become a swordsman someday and protect others and being the villain helps Peter practice.

One evening, in their sixteenth year, during a particularly stormy night, the twins returned to the house after covering the field to protect the vegetables and leading the animals into the barn, Roger collapsed.  Peter rode hurriedly on his horse to bring a doctor to the ranch.

Mother and the doctor were in Roger's room checking his vitals.  Peter and Father paced outside Roger's door.  Mother exited the room and looked worried, but did not say anything.  Peter rushed in.

Roger perched himself up against his pillow and gave Peter a brave smile to ease the latter's worried expression.  "I'm fine, Peter, I'm sorry I worried you."  Mother and Roger did not speak any more regarding incident.

Another year passed and the family was blessed with a good crop harvest.  One afternoon, a gentleman in a brown suit paid a visit to their ranch.  He wanted to purchase their land because he had discovered that an oil vein ran under their grounds.

Father was very adamant and refused.  "This is my father's land that he worked hard to raise, I am not selling it to anyone and I do not care about profits from the oil."  He kindly led the Oil Baron out.

The following weeks were riddled with strange occurrences.  Locusts destroyed the family's crops.  Wolves appeared and ate their livestocks.  A close friend of the family told them that he had overheard the Oil Baron with his cronies at the saloon saying that he caused those disasters in effort to ruin the family's land and force them into selling it.

Upon hearing this, Peter became blinded with rage.  He dashed to the fireplace and removed his grandfather's sword from its display and jumped on his horse, flying to town in search of the Oil Baron.  He sensed another horse riding behind him, but did not turn to look.

He had no difficulty finding the Baron.  He jumped off his horse and approached the bulking man.  "You bastard!"

The Baron looked nonchalant.  "I don't know what you're talking about young man and I don't appreciate you pointing your fing --"  Before he had a chance to speak another word, Peter slashed the sword he gripped in his hand.

"Peter!" exclaimed Roger, his face stretched in horror as the Baron fell to the ground, blood spurting, staining his suit.  Peter would have bashed the unmoving body with the hilt of the sword had his brother not pulled him back.  "Stop!  Stop!  People are gathering!"

Peter's vision refocused to his surroundings, in shock with himself.  Frightened, he mounted his horse and galloped out of town with his brother next to him.

They kept riding until their horses and they themselves became parched.  They hid behind a line of large jagged rocks to catch their breath.  Roger's breathing was very ragged.

"Peter, I think I should turn myself in."

Peter placed his hands on his brother's shoulders, trying to calm the other's breathing.  "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, I should turn myself in as you."

Peter stared at his older twin.  "Are you crazy?  Why?  Why would you do that?"

"Because, Peter, I haven't much long to live.  I have already outlived my time by two years."  Peter's memory flashed back to the night Roger fell, no one spoke of the Roger's condition.  Roger continued, "I lived on so I could one day see your wish come true.  You always wanted to protect people."

Peter's face strained as he said, "I can't even do that... today I..."

Roger touched his brother's hand and smiled, "You acted in haste, but I believe your intentions were true.  Please, allow me to protect you this once.  Promise me, live on and protect others."

Before Peter could stop him, Roger walked around the rocks, where the sheriff and deputy had just arrived on their horses.  Roger approached them walking in Peter's swagger.  "I've contemplated my actions and I'm turning myself in.  Please forgive my brother Roger, he had nothing to do with this."

The sheriff cuffed him and they headed back towards town.  Roger turned back to where Peter was hiding, his eyes urgently reiterating, "Promise me, live on and protect others."

When the trio were out of sight, Peter wept silently until his blood stained sleeves were wet from tears.  He sat there, numb, unable to think of anything else until the desert temperature dropped and the wolves commenced their serenade to the moon.  This cued him that he must move or freeze and become a predator's meal. 

He walked for several miles, warding off anything that approached him with the sword.  He swore he would clean it the first opportunity he had.  His feet were starting to weigh more and more and he was on his last ounce of strength when he saw the barest line of light from the approaching city.

He was awakened the following morning by a dirt covered street urchin poking through his pockets.  The boy cursed under his breath.  "Another empty pocket!"  Before Peter could reprimand the boy, he ran away.  The city was bustling, its residents not stopping to answer any inquiries from an out of towner.  He decided this was no place for him.

He stowed away on trains.  Between cities and towns, he would pick through trash for half eaten food.  Once he was lucky and had gotten in a train compartment that was transporting milk.  He left what change he had in his pocket as payment.  After days of this vagabond lifestyle, he arrived at a port city.

A gang of little boys were playing near a bulletin board.  Several boys began throwing things at a smaller child.  An older boy pushed back at them and covered the one being bullied.  Peter walked over.  "Hey, stop it."

They did not cease until Peter picked up the one who appeared to be the leader.  "Lemme go!  Lemme go!  All right, all right!  We'll stop!"  Peter sent them off with a "I'll be watching you" glare.

The two remaining boys stared up at Peter.  The younger one spoke shyly, "Thank you."  "You're welcome."  They ran off, leaving Peter grieving in remembrance of his childhood with Roger.

A posting on the board caught his eye.  "Attention!  Adventurers!  Granado Espada is recruiting Pioneers!  Be the first to gain prestige!  First fifty registrants board the ship free!"  Peter stared at the notice for a long time.

He couldn't return to his hometown.  He missed Mother and Father dearly.  And Roger... his heart tightened when he thought about what would become of his brother's fate.  He decided he would go and return as soon as he could to clear his brother's name.

He approached the dock and was within the first fifty to be granted free boarding.  He was asked for his name at the registration table.  Peter paused for a slight moment.  He was going for a fresh start in a new world, he needed a new name, but didn't want to lose connection with his old self.  "Pierre Ferragamo," he stated as confidently as he could.

During the week long trip, Peter discovered that he gets seasick and preferred to spend time above deck breathing the salty sea air.  He was happy at the sight of land.

As the passengers were deboarding the ship, Peter stumbled as he strolled down the plank.  His heart strained with a twang, like a violin whose string snapped during a melancholy ballad.  Miles and miles away, Roger's life was taken.

A voice whispered deep within him, reminding him of his promise, "Live on and protect others."


  1. Eeeeee, that was great, Ferra! I hope you had fun writing this. C: I enjoyed reading!

  2. Good job, ferra, solid plot, however first half I felt like I was reading a play script, so tip for the future to lose that feel k^^ (i used to do that so don't feel bad, just giving opinion) when I post mine read it too and we and other other sword peoples can go back and forth and have supah tastic writing reading furn!

  3. Aw Roger.. +1 Almontri's comment, I also enjoyed reading this. You came up with a good plot! If there was ever a part 2, where Peter finally comes home, it'd be a rather sad one wouldn't it :(

    You said that your UPCs had unique stories - does that also go for the recruitable ones as well? :O
