Monday, February 4, 2013

A honey eating bunny

Finished getting Cathy Robot Stance Book #1 today.  Octavia is now leveling Activator with Xenia and Cynthia.  Francois graduated, which means Cynthia is a slow poke because I started both their stances at the same time.  I realized I didn't screencap Hermetisme stance book...

Being nerdy, going to load character cards (of the order I obtained them, going to have to come back to finish with Cruise) and stance books under cut for my own tracking purposes.

Other Stances


  1. Congrats on the stancebook! :O You made a mistake and have Telekinesis listed twice, instead of Trickikensis under Sharon. Figured I'd point it ouuuut.

    1. The fact that you actually looked amazes me.

      And it only goes to show how exhausted I have been. :<
