Showing posts with label Frustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frustration. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

grazie e arrivederci

T3 came out with another Cash Shop event and this time it's Cadet Elisa.  It's frustrating.  Cadet Adriana was the previous Cash Shop event.  The other servers didn't have to pay for theirs.  :\

20/21/19 process and 176 good

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

steamrolled pancake ferret

Went on a ToC run which used up a lot of SC.  >.<  I envy people who WC ToC.  First, because I have yet to WC in ToC since the new server; someone else always takes that role, meaning I don't get to practice (I rather feel like people think I'm too slow and they're in a hurry to do the raid so they tell me no because I suck).  Second, ToC runs go so much faster now, DPS is faster and kills bosses faster.  WC was very, very tedious when DPS doesn't kill fast back in the old server.

Overall I feel very useless to the clan.  Because I can't do anything but DPS, which is a joke since my weapons suck.  Everyone is running around with tons of 33AR and 34AR and a bunch of OP mods.  I'm still using 32AR junk.  I don't have time to raid stuff for things to sell and chips are worthless to sell.  I have no luck with chipping or getting ELNr or GCr from raids.  Very, very useless.

All I seem to do when I attend clan raids is res, res, res people.  I res the tank, I res the WC, I res the support of the tank/WC, I res other ressers, all before I res myself.  I don't necessarily enjoy ressing, but it needs to be done or we all die and the raid ends, and also back to the whole I'm even worthless as a DPS, so what have I left?  I can't WC, I can't DPS.  I'm only good for ressing.  I try my best in what I can and have time for, but it all feels like it amounts to nothing.  :<

I had to vent that out.  I've been feeling like that for weeks and weeks now and can't keep it bottled in anymore.

Back to the ToC run.  I got Feast after five attempts, except now it's called Festival.  I can't stand some of the translations/converted names of people, places, and things.  We lost our WC during Queen 3rd form and I was asked to help with Invul.  Was interesting doing duo function - put my Muskies off to the side to DPS and ETS to help with Invul.

In other news, Sabre Tooth is leveling very fast, already catching up to Split Shooter which is slow as heck.  Elisa is taking forever to finish ET.  I don't remember ET taking this long; it feels like the new characters take even longer than Scouts and Emilia to finish ET.  I swear Florencia is going to be Master by the time she finishes.  Orz  I think I need to find quests that give me Stance Cards to spam.  I can't deal with leveling ET on Vincent and Cathy SUM, especially if they're like Veronif who just stood and did nothing but pick her nose on ET.

Got derailed/taking a one day break from farming DS.  Halfway through though.  I really hope to finish this weekend.

Good night from a ferret who is turning furless from the stress from this game.  (>; . ;)>

Friday, September 28, 2012

I don't know anymore

A bit of upsetting news today left me feeling like even though I've put in as much effort as I could given everything else going on in my life, it didn't amount to anything, so I feel like I should put my energy and efforts elsewhere and leave the game.

I do have things left to do for someone, so I'm not disappearing, but I don't know that I will interact much.